@emsgreenclean on IG

Monday, October 31, 2016

Little round tub that extends the life of my husband and child!

If you're not familiar with the Norwex cleaning paste, allow me to introduce you to it. Let me preface this with the fact that I use water and the cloths MOST of the time. Once in a while something like , oh I don't know..."hair dye stains my bathroom counter"  and I know I need to grab a spirisponge and the paste to remove it! There was also that one time that paint was splattered on my Hard wood floors and yeah I was relieved to remove that as well!  What is in the cleaning paste?  There  are 3 active ingredients found in the Cleaning Paste which are : Coconut oil, marble flour  ( YES! marble flour) and natural soap.  It's nickname is "elbow grease in a jar".  It has earned it's nick name because that ground up marble flour turns a normally tough cleaning job into a piece of cake! I use the paste mostly on my glass top stove and a small amount in the tub. A little goes a long way and while I've had my little round container for about a year now, I've heard from other Consultants that it can last a few years! Below are some of my own pics and top 10 ways to use the cleaning paste!

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

10 Cleaning products I stopped buying and will never buy again!

Money has always been tight for us, who isn't on a budget these days? It's been a year and half since we started cleaning with Norwex and I am amazed at how much money we have saved over the last 18 months! The average home in America spends around $500 a year on cleaning supplies! I feel like we spent that amount on paper towels alone to be honest! When I first started using the Norwex products I didn't really pay attention to how much we were saving until my husband commented on the drop in paper towel purchases. I am so thankful for all the money we are saving by replacing all those items for water! I wish I had found Norwex back when we had all the kiddos at home. It would have been helpful in stretching our dollars. Now, I have the joy in sharing with others what I wish I'd known back then! It is totally possible to replace all the items listed below for just water and microfiber products!!!

The entire list can be replaced with the "Just Add Water" package! Available here!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The 5-worded question that changed my life!

I can hardly believe I have been a Norwex Consultant for a year and a half!  Seems just like yesterday that I received an invitation to my friends FB Party.  I was asked " Have you heard of Norwex?" With that question it created a question within me..." Nor what??? That is what led me on the crazy new adventure of sharing Norwex with people. I didn't know then that I soon would be starting to grow a business that could fit around my life. I'm sure she had no idea how impactful that question would be to me. It is something I consider now when I share Norwex with people. When I pose the question usually there's a pause and you can sense that person reaching in their data bank only to respond with "no!". Ahh yes a Norwex newbie, I love it! Just last night I had the joy of introducing Norwex to a gentleman. I explained how the Basic Package could clean his beloved motorcyle, which he so affectionately named " J-Lo" by the way! I mean c'mon when a guy NAMES his motorcycle you know it's real! Anyways, he was surprised to hear me tell him he could clean his motorcycle without the use of soap. He spent 15 minutes "checking out" how the cloths cleaned against the dirt and grime.  He swooned as he saw the cleaning paste bring a shiny luster to his chrome! Yup, those 5 words can make a huge impact. So, have you heard of Norwex? If not, it would be my pleasure to share with you!