@emsgreenclean on IG

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

How the Grinch cleaned for Christmas!

Do you become the grinch when your house is a mess?
 I am guilty of it too! 
Simplyfing my approach has helped me not be such a grinch, especially during the holidays! 
These three items are my go-to's EVERY week! 
So while you're out shopping for everyone else, take care of you!
 Get yourself some products that will keep the grinch away all year through!

Dust off your ornaments and home with the Norwex Dusting Mitt! 

 Grab your Enviro Cloth and wipe down your mirrors and counters with ease!

Get those windows shining with the Norwex Polishing Cloth for a streak-free shine that even the Grinch will love!

 These three items are found in the Household Package 

 No Grinch when cleaning is a cinch!  

Monday, September 25, 2017

October Muffins and Microfiber Moms Meet Ups

 Weather should be changing any minute now! (We are in the 90's still and October is less than a week away!) No worries, pumpkin flavored everything season 
a.k.a. "Fall" is upon us and I say embrace it and go with it! 

So, let's schedule a Muffins and Microfiber mini demo at your local Coffee shop or bakery (love supporting small businesses).  I bring the fun, you invite your gals and we all enjoy guilt-free muffins while ridding our home of harmful chemicals! 

Your friends will thank you and you will thank them because Host Rewards are the best! I mean, check out Octobers awesome rewards!

DFW area is my current stomping ground but, I am known to travel for this fun job. Or you can Host an online demo with me via FB
(Hey we can all eat muffins from our respectful homes at the same time, it will count!) 

Thanks for being part of the Norwex mission and have a happy October! 

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

August Specials for Customers and Hosts!

It is Mop Month again!
 You can earn the eco-friendly, cost-effective
 Norwex Superior Mop for FREE! You can read more about the mop in this entry post!
It is just one of the many awesome items from the August Host Rewards!

Check out these August Customer Specials as well!

As always these products are all available here! 

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Norwex Specialty Cleaners

90% of your home CAN be cleaned using just water and your Norwex Microfiber products.  For the remaining 10% Norwex has an eco-friendly line of cleaners. Each designed to specifically tackle the different cleaning needs. Scroll through to see these amazing "Before and After" results! Seeing is believing!








Friday, July 7, 2017

The last mop you will ever own!- Yours FREE!

July is known for the many things: hot summer days, vacations and traditionally with Norwex..." Mop Month".  

When I do parties often times the main thing on each guests wish list is the Norwex Superior Mop.  If I am honest, it was on my wish list as well. (Hence me joining!) So, when I share with people that it's "Mop Month" they get excited about the possibility of earning their mop for FREE!

Since switching to the Norwex Superior Mop I have noticed a few differences.  These are my top 5!

In the past no matter how much we swept and mopped our floors,our feet were always inevitably dirty!

 Since switching out our broom for the the Dry Mop Pad we began to notice our feet staying clean. It has done such a good job at picking up pet hair, debris and all the dust that often times found it's way to our floors. 

 The Wet Mop Pad is like taking an Enviro Cloth and cleaning your floors Cinderella style. (Minus the bucket and talking mice).  

The other big difference I personally noticed was how much it reduced the strain on my back.  This was me every time I would sweep or mop my floors. I live with chronic back pain and the movement of sweeping and mopping would often result in me hurting for several hours.

It really was a huge relief to be able to keep up with my floors without having to sit out the rest of the day. 
This month there are actually 4 ways to get the Mop since it is also included in the Host Rewards for JULY! ($550 qualifying party)

Speaking of July these are the July Specials! 
The peppermint hand soap is refreshing and the Chenille towel is luxurious!
Want to Host a party this month? 

 Great! I am available in the DFW area! 

Not local? 
No worries, we can do an FB LIVE party! 
Send me a message on FB!

Want to just buy the mop outright? 

The Mop can also be found in the 

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Get a Cleaning Paste free in June!

Whenever I talk with people about Norwex I normally share about our amazing microfiber cleaning cloths. Aside from the "magical" cleaning cloths I will often refer people to the Cleaning Paste. 

While you can clean 90% of your home with just water ,the Cleaning Paste is a must for the remainder of your home! It can clean everything from your glass top stove to your patio furniture! 

This little jar contains 3 active ingredients. Coconut oil, marble flour and natural soap. I love the fact that it is less harmful than most other cleaners out there! I use it mostly on my glass top stove!

 It is super versatile and at $29.99 worth every cent. 
BUT, this coming month of June you can have it for FREE! 
 All you have to do is gather between 3-5 guests and invite them to come learn about the alternative green cleaning method found with Norwex. Our generous Host rewards program not only gives you a free cleaning paste (not to mention several other free items) 
but, it gives you a shopping spree as well! 

Think all your friends and family have heard of Norwex? 
Nope, about 2% of people in the U.S. are familiar with Norwex products. 
Want to host an FB party instead? 
No problem, I love doing a casual live demo. This gives people a chance to view it on their own time.
 I have just a few dates left so be sure to get with me today!

To learn more about the Norwex Cleaning Paste you can see my previous posts about it here!

If you would like to order and have this shipped directly to you follow this link!

Monday, April 17, 2017

Spring Cleaning: Shower Curtain Edition

We have been in our home for almost 2 years and in the that time I have cleaned the shower curtain a grand total of ZERO times! In my defense I never take a shower in the guest bathroom and didn't really notice how bad it was until I did.  I was promptly ready to throw the shower curtain out rather than invest the time and energy it would normally take to clean this disgusting soap scummy mess.

BUT, then I found out that I could actually
 clean the shower curtain with very little effort and for pennies!  Here is how!

Step 1: Fill your tub up and add a small scoop of the Norwex Ultra Power Plus Laundry Detergent. Let it set over night.

Step 2: Drain the tub and fill it up again. Swish the shower curtain around and gently and scrub any remaining soap scum off. ( It took me just a couple minutes with the Spirisponge)

Step 3: Be in awe of how amazing this laundry soap is! Hang it up and feel good about saving money by not having to replace your shower curtain! 

Pretty amazing huh? If you don't already have this amazing Vegan Laundry soap find it here! 

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Act of Kindness

This past month I attended the "Norwex Roadshow" meeting in Dallas. These meetings are held every few months all around the country. It gives people a chance to come and learn about Norwex as a company and provides more information about what it looks like to become a Norwex Sales Rep.I was excited to attend the meeting knowing that our Global Chief Sales Officer would be present. I was hoping to have a moment with her. We both happened to be getting some coffee at the same time and I took that opportunity to share with her how thankful I was to be working with someone of her caliber.  If you haven't heard the story yet, a few weeks ago something she did privately and anonymously went viral. It was first leaked on the "Love What Matters" Facebook page.

Someone submitted the following story:  A gentleman was set to travel with his toddler that day. He had purchased a ticket for himself but did not buy one for his daughter. She was under the age of 2 at the time of purchase and made the error. He became distraught when the airline informed him that in order for her to fly he would need to pay $749 for her ticket. Understandably he did not have the funds to cover the cost. Thankfully a woman overheard the situation and offered her assistance. She walked up to the counter with him and bought his ticket. She didn't want to give her name she just smiled and graciously gave. A bystander observing the whole scenario snapped a photo of her and submitted this act of kindness to the website.

 It has been all over the internet. From the Sun in the U.K. to Bill o'reilly's show.

So, when I had the chance to speak with her I did.  I was able to share with her that I love that she gave but, I loved even more that she gave anonymously.  I am blessed to be working with someone who truly lives what she believes.  I consistently see it from a professional stand point through Norwex's emphasis on Integrity, Trust, and Respect. Now, the whole world was able to see it from a personal stand point as her anonymous gift became well known.  Norwex IS a mission based company. There is a purpose behind the products they offer. I am glad to partake in that purpose.  The "Love What Matters" FB Page had over 50k comments from that story! I read many comments on there that said things like "we should support a company who has people like her at the helm." Why? Because it feels good to direct our dollars to a company where there is more than a bottom line. With Norwex there absolutely is. Would you like to work with a company like this? Great news, you can!
Read the story here on Facebook!