@emsgreenclean on IG

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

August Specials for Customers and Hosts!

It is Mop Month again!
 You can earn the eco-friendly, cost-effective
 Norwex Superior Mop for FREE! You can read more about the mop in this entry post!
It is just one of the many awesome items from the August Host Rewards!

Check out these August Customer Specials as well!

As always these products are all available here! 

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Norwex Specialty Cleaners

90% of your home CAN be cleaned using just water and your Norwex Microfiber products.  For the remaining 10% Norwex has an eco-friendly line of cleaners. Each designed to specifically tackle the different cleaning needs. Scroll through to see these amazing "Before and After" results! Seeing is believing!








Friday, July 7, 2017

The last mop you will ever own!- Yours FREE!

July is known for the many things: hot summer days, vacations and traditionally with Norwex..." Mop Month".  

When I do parties often times the main thing on each guests wish list is the Norwex Superior Mop.  If I am honest, it was on my wish list as well. (Hence me joining!) So, when I share with people that it's "Mop Month" they get excited about the possibility of earning their mop for FREE!

Since switching to the Norwex Superior Mop I have noticed a few differences.  These are my top 5!

In the past no matter how much we swept and mopped our floors,our feet were always inevitably dirty!

 Since switching out our broom for the the Dry Mop Pad we began to notice our feet staying clean. It has done such a good job at picking up pet hair, debris and all the dust that often times found it's way to our floors. 

 The Wet Mop Pad is like taking an Enviro Cloth and cleaning your floors Cinderella style. (Minus the bucket and talking mice).  

The other big difference I personally noticed was how much it reduced the strain on my back.  This was me every time I would sweep or mop my floors. I live with chronic back pain and the movement of sweeping and mopping would often result in me hurting for several hours.

It really was a huge relief to be able to keep up with my floors without having to sit out the rest of the day. 
This month there are actually 4 ways to get the Mop since it is also included in the Host Rewards for JULY! ($550 qualifying party)

Speaking of July these are the July Specials! 
The peppermint hand soap is refreshing and the Chenille towel is luxurious!
Want to Host a party this month? 

 Great! I am available in the DFW area! 

Not local? 
No worries, we can do an FB LIVE party! 
Send me a message on FB!

Want to just buy the mop outright? 

The Mop can also be found in the